The Grip Comb™ is made with double coated carbon fiber and is heat tested for up to 350 degrees so you don't have to worry about it melting. As long as you don't put it directly on heat, it will be fine to endure the steam. BE SURE TO PLACE GRIP COMB 1.5 CM AWAY FROM STRAIGHTENER, NOT DIRECTLY BESIDE IT

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Does it Melt?
Can I Transfer It To My Other Tools?
No, The Grip Comb™ is meant to be used on one tool, once its stuck on DO NOT REMOVE or you will mess up the adhesive. If you need to buy multiple, you can save by purchasing the Duo Pack.
Can I Still Curl With My Flat Iron?
Yes, The Grip Comb™ doesn't imped with the use of your straighteners original use. It only enhances it, you will be able to use it as normal.
Do I Have To Do Any Preparation Before I Stick It On?
Yes, please clean your tool wherever you intend on putting The Grip Comb™. If its dirty it will not adhere properly. Also, make sure its completely dry before putting it on.
Can It Fit On Any Flat Iron?
Yes, The Grip Comb™ can fit onto any straightener 1 inch and bigger. One size fits all! Please make sure your tool has enough "flat" surface for the Grip Comb to securely fit.
Does It Work For Curved Flat Iron?
It is not compatible to stay on a curved flat iron that doesn't have at least 1 inch of "flat" surface.
How Do I Clean / Disinfect It?
For home use, you can use an alcohol wipe or an alcohol spray bottle. For Professional use, the easiest way to disinfect it is by using CLIPPERCIDE® spray. It complies with OSHA and state board rules. EPA-registered bactericide, fungicide and virucide. Kills HIV-1 and TB. Its also Anti-rust, so it won't damage your flat iron.